Dr. Chan will be presenting a talk titled, "XPRIZE Tricorders and Point-of-Consumer Blood Diagnostics: Where are we now?" at the Athena Society, Corfu, Greece on September 8, 2018. http://athenasociety.org...
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rHEALTH Talk at Enabling POC Dx Conference
This week Dr. Eugene Chan joined a group of doctors, scientists and company leaders at the Enabling POC Dx Conference to give a talk about DMI's rHEALTH sensor, a technology that recently won the Nokia Sensing XChallenge last November.
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Meet the rHealth Tricorder Team DMI

rHEALTH Talk at Innovation Session at AACC Annual Meeting
Today July 28, 2015 Dr. Eugene Chan will give a talk at the annual American Association for Clinical Chemistry Meeting. His topic "The rHealth Tricorder: Bridging Fiction to Reality" will take place from 2:30 - 5:00 pm during the following session "33214 Late Breaking Session: Clinical Chemistry’s Hot Topics of 2015:...
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